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Thursday 6 February 2014

Tracy and Rob - Yay or Nay?

Is it true love or are they just as bad as each other?  What do you think about Tracy and Rob together as a couple? 

The fab Inside Soap magazine reveal that the gruesome twosome get back together next week.  But what do you think, Corrie fans? 

Is this a relationship that's believable, do you think? Or is Rob stringing along Tracy until something better comes along - again?

Rob and Tracy - yay or nay?

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Llifon said...

Yay! I like them as a couple. They compliment each other. I see them as long term.

Newfy Pearl said...

I think they are great for each other.
Both are emotionally damaged and have family issues. Both are inclined to be bad so are accepting of the other's faults.
The fact that Tracy is actually faithful to Rob shows there is something there on her part.
He is willing to open his heart not just to her, but her child - and her mother!
I could go on and on...but I won't. Signed - Tracy fan! lol

Anonymous said...

NO - Tracy doesn't deserve ANYbody.

~JB in Canada

Anonymous said...

Nay Nay and Nay for anything to do with either of these characters, other than if they were to exit, then it would be a big Yey.

Mary said...

I would love to see the two of them leave the street as fast as possible..................have they gone yet?? There is nothing likable about either one of them and any time they spend in a scene is far to much.

Humpty Dumpty said...

Very wooden characters, especially Tracy. Not KF's fault; no-one seems to direct her so she comes across as an actor who's enjoying herself. Has a ball when she's playing a villain and it shows! Yes, that's a bad thing. Other than that, no emotion in her eyes. Compare her to Eva who is equally superficial but somehow that actor found some depth to work with.

Laura said...

Does anyone really care?! She should be in prison.

Flo said...

I don't think they should be together, that story line has run it's course. All it's doing is reinforcing what a piece of work Tracy is, and we all knew that anyways. Time for them both to meet someone else, it's a snoozefest now.

Corrieqooq said...

Rob will stay with Tracy. I like the way they lit her in the shop when he was first denying his kiss with Tina. Verging on but not quite menacing. Rob realizes he is in a trap. Cross Tracy, and she will kill you, mwahahaha!

Canuktuk said...

This is one time I'd actually like to see an explosive episode. One involving a closed location with Tracy and Rob trapped inside! They are both dull as dishwater. At least if they were deliciously bad, I could get behind them as a dream team of evil.

David Parsnips said...

Like to know what all these men see in the lank haired no longer a spring chicken spiteful to everyone murderess Tracy.

Joseph said...

Hate them separately but I've always liked them together. So definitely a yay from me.


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